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Estimate Savings to Your Pocketbook and the Environment by Teleworking​​ 

Brought to you by the National Institutes of Health
Office of Research Facilities
Division of Technical Resources


  • Use the link below to estimate your cost and environmental savings by teleworking.
  • By inserting your information in the fields provided, this calculator will estimate not only the money you save by teleworking, but will also estimate your reduction in  greenhouse gases and other pollutants by keeping one less vehicle off the road.
  • Click on each field and insert information or choose from the drop down menus when provided.
  • Fill out the last field on the left side and press the return key.
  • The fields on the right side should show cost and environmental savings once all fields are completed.
  • Please fill out all fields to get a reasonable estimate.

Calculate your Telework Cost and Environment Savings   [File Type: XLSX, File Size: 288 kb]