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Work Schedule Flexibilities

A variety of flexibilities are available to NIH employees to help them in balancing the demands of the workplace with their personal responsibilities. These flexibilities can also be used to help employees avoid being affected by current and future road construction projects around campus.

Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)

AWS is a broad term that encompasses a variety of alternatives to the standard 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday workweek. There are two types of AWS - Compressed Work Schedules and Flexible Work Schedules, which includes Maxiflex.

  • Compressed Work Schedules allow employees to work longer hours and have one or two regular days off per pay period, reducing the number of days employees need to commute to work.
  • Flexible Work Schedules allow employees to vary their start and stop times each day, and can be used to avoid peak traffic hours.
  • Maxiflex is a type of Flexible Work Schedule that allows employees, within the limits established by their organization, to: vary their start and end time each workday, vary the total number of hours worked each workday, split their schedule up to 3x in one workday, and/or vary the total number of hours worked each week. These flexibilities can be used to alleviate commuting frustrations in a wide variety of ways.


Telework allows employees to complete their workday at home, at a telework center, or at an approved alternative location. By working remotely, employees can reduce the number of days they need to travel to campus. With supervisory approval, employees can telework on a regular or ad hoc basis.

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